From Tar to a Bright Future : BALKIZ

The Story Behind

Balkız, a brave and resilient dog, has endured a heartbreaking journey that has left her body scarred and her spirit wounded. When she was found, starvation and neglect were obvious, but it was the sight of her body covered in tar, small stones stuck to her and her skin scarred that revealed the depth of her suffering.

The shadows of her past remain a mystery, but the signs of abuse were unmistakable, causing her to tremble with fear at the sight of people and to seek refuge in the safety of hidden corners.

With boundless love and unwavering care, Balkız’s road to recovery began. Every trace of tar was gently removed and her skin was treated with the utmost gentleness. As her physical wounds healed, we knew that true healing goes far beyond the surface. Balkız’s journey was not just about treating the scars on her body; it was about healing the scars on her heart.

Balkız is still undergoing psychological treatment, and although progress is slow, there are glimmers of hope. She has learnt that not all people are damaged goods, and with each passing moment she comes closer to embracing love again.

As you read this, you have the power to change Balkız’s life forever. Through digital adoption, you can offer her a lifeline of hope, love and security. Your act of kindness will not only change Balkız’s world, it will create a ripple effect of compassion, reminding us all that every being, no matter their past, deserves a chance at a life of love.

Choose love, choose Balkız for digital adoption and embrace her journey, find comfort in her resilience and be the hero of her story…

Balkız’s Profile


Balkız’s Footprints

  • Female
  • Sterilised
  • She is still under treatment and we are hoping full recovery soon.

What can you do for Balkız?

Digitally Adopt Balkız for a year and be her guardian angel.

Contribute to her costs of pension and care monthly with your preferred amount of donation via Banu Aydın’s Patreon Account.

Share this page and Balkız’s story with your friends and spread the word around.

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Digital Adoption

Through our digital adoption platform, we’ve reimagined the way you can make a difference in the lives of rescue animals.

Digital adoption is a revolutionary concept that allows people like you to virtually adopt a furry friend and provide them with the love and care they deserve, regardless of physical proximity.

The full amount you pay for the digital adoption will go towards their care, including essential medical costs, nutritious food and a safe and warm shelter.

What you get with a Digital Adoption

Receive a Digital Adoption Certificate: As a token of our gratitude, you’ll receive a personalised digital adoption certificate. This certificate represents your commitment to the animal you’ve chosen and symbolises the love and care you’re providing.

Minted NFT of Balkız: You will receive a NFT of the dog you have digitally adopted. Our NFTs are minted and stored on the MultiversX Blockchain, so you will need a MultiversX Wallet or Xportal to receive and keep your NFT. If you are unfamiliar with NFTs and the MultiversX platform, you can find all the details you need on this page.

Stay Connected: Through our platform, you’ll receive regular updates on the progress of your adopted pet. From heartwarming stories to adorable photos, you’ll witness the positive impact of your support and see first-hand how your generosity is changing the lives of these animals.

Share the Journey: As a Digital Adopter, you’re not alone on this journey. Connect with a community of fellow animal lovers who have also chosen to make a difference. Share your experiences, celebrate milestones and offer encouragement to others who have joined this noble cause.

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