Meet Banu Aydın

Banu Aydın, a compassionate animal rights activist and a true guardian angel for stray animals.

For many years she has dedicated her life to rescuing and caring for animals in need, leaving a trail of hope and love across Turkey. No challenge is too great for Banu as she fearlessly fights for those who cannot speak for themselves.

From the moment she was born, Banu’s life has been intertwined with animals. Her childhood was a sanctuary for various creatures – birds, cats, cows, stray dogs and horses. Growing up surrounded by their innocent presence, she learned the profound value of each life and the beauty of unconditional love.

Her youth was an enchanting journey through various animal encounters. From tender moments with pigeons to the mesmerising grace of geese, from the playful antics of ducks to the comforting clucking of chickens, from the gentle presence of cows to the endearing innocence of lambs, from the warmth of cats and dogs to the playful spirit of monkeys and birds, each creature left an indelible mark on Banu’s heart.

As she grew into adulthood, Banu’s love for animals only grew stronger, and she vowed to be their voice, protector and advocate. She chose to embrace them as fellow beings with the same inherent right to exist in this world, and her heart overflowed with gratitude and respect for their presence in her life.

Today, Banu’s affection for animals burns brightly and fuels her determination to make this world a safer, kinder place for them.

Her unwavering love has become a beacon of hope for those who have suffered and an inspiration to countless others to join her cause.

Some media coverage for Banu Aydın;

What Banu Aydın is saying on the video;

It shouldn’t be that difficult to pass a law. Why am I trying to explain that harassment and violence is a crime in a country? Isn’t it already a crime?

So we will have to fight more, but we will not give up… We will not retreat and say “there is no law, there is no legislation, so what can I do?”

1 life saved is 1 whole life… That’s how I see it… The dog we saved now has a full new life to live…

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