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With deep gratitude and a heart full of joy, we would like to thank you for choosing to be the digital adopter of our brave and resilient pit bull, Ozgur. Your compassionate decision has touched our hearts and has already made a remarkable difference to his life.

Ozgur’s journey has been one of immense bravery, overcoming a heartbreaking past of unspeakable abuse. Labelled a ‘forbidden breed’, he faced the horrors of the dog-fighting world and endured unimaginable cruelty.

Through dedicated psychological treatment and unwavering support, he has begun to trust and rediscover the joy of being with people. Today, Ozgur finds solace and happiness on a quiet farm where he is surrounded by love and care, and his fears have given way to a newfound sense of security.

Your decision to adopt Ozgur digitally has become an integral part of his story. You are now his guardian angel, providing him with the love, support and protection he so deserves. As you follow his latest videos and photos on our page, you will see first-hand the impact of your compassion on his journey to a brighter future.

Your generosity will not only change Ozgur’s life, but will also help us in our mission to provide a safe and secure future for all the rescue dogs in our care. Together, we are harnessing the power of digital adoption and rewriting the destinies of these remarkable animals with love and compassion.

Thank you again for your compassion and for choosing to be a pillar of hope in Ozgur’s life. With your support, we can continue to create a world where every animal knows love, kindness and a safe place to call home.

Thank you for being a vital part of Adopt from Afar and for joining us in our mission to make a lasting difference in the lives of rescue dogs like Ozgur.

With infinite gratitude and warmest regards,

The Adopt from Afar Team

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